Ma'm, we're calling about your windows computer...

Alltså, jag kan inte låta bli att skoja med dem. Det roligaste av allt är att de är så sjukt korkade (fast väldigt bra på  att lära sig repliker). Det här var inte alls lika underhållande som den gången jag försökte få reda på hur många centimeter det går på en fot, men ändå.
Man: Hello, I', calling about you windows computer.
Linn: Oh? Hello.
Man: Yes, I'm calling, we're getting some signals from you windows 7 computer.
Linn: I seriuosly doubt that.
Man: Sorry? *tyst en stund* Ma'm, you there?
Linn: Yes.
Man: Yes. Hello. I'm calling about your windows coumpter.
Linn: Yes, you told me, but see, I don't have a windows computer. I have a Mac.
Man: Your windows 7 operating system-
Linn: But Mac doesn't use windows 7. It uses OS X. At least the new ones.
Man: But we're getting some signals (man måste beundra hans envishet och oförmåga att lyssna). Are you sitting in front of you computer?
Linn: No.
Man: *är tyst en stund* Hello? M'am?
Linn: Yes?
Man: We know you have a new windows 7 computer and we have some signals from it. If you sit down in front of your computer, you'll see how many problems there is. (ja, han sa 'is')
Linn: But how can you know that? I have a Mac.
Man: We  have it registered, from you IP. Are you sitting on front of your computer?
Linn: No.
Man: Ok. Go sit down in front of your computer and turn it on.
Linn: No.
Man: But I'll help you. Go sit down, you'll get IP-address.
Linn: No.
Man: Ma'm, I don't think you understand. You have severe problemes with your windows 7 computer.
Linn: But, see, I don't have a PC. I have a Mac. Mac does not use windows. You must be wrongly informed.
Man: M'am?
Linn: See, if you really work with IT, which I doubt, you should know that Mac uses OS X, not Windows. Windows are for PCs. You're not really credible.
Man: Your windows 7 computer-
Linn: But I don't have one. I have a Mac.
Man: Are you sure?
Linn: Yes. Of course I am.
Man: But we're getting signals...
Linn: Sorry dude, but you must be getting some wrong signals.
Man: Oh. Sorry. Bye.
Linn: Bye bye.

Och extra roligt blir det, eftersom alla som känner mig vet att jag inte kan använda Apple, eftersom jag inte är kompatibel med deras produkter ^^

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